
How to use search operators and find insights from General Conference talks.

How does the Conference Text Search work?

Searching on the conference text search page allows you to find words or phrases within all general conference talks available on the Church’s website. To make a search click here

Using the conference text search page can also help you find conference talks to study. A scatter plot is generated displaying how many times that word or phrase has been used in conference talks either by year or by conference. Clicking on a point in the scatter plot will generate a table of all General Conference talks which include that word or phrase within that year or conference.

The setting pane allow users to change how they’re searching. One setting changes the search function from grouping by year to grouping by individual conference. Another setting allows the user to enter “Table Mode”. Table mode generates the data of the search in table format instead of in a scatter plot. Searching in this way make copying values to Excel and clicking through to conference talks easier on mobile devices.

The search page also has advanced ways to search. To learn how to compare multiple search terms and combine related search terms read the sections below!